Halloween Assembly (October 31, 2024)
Costume Contest
Open to all! Prizes awarded for the best individual costume and best pair/group costumes.
Staff Dance-Off
A must-see! Don’t miss your teachers showing off their moves!
Student Relay Race #1: "Design-a-Costume Race"
Each division selects three students to represent them in this fun and creative relay!
Student Relay Race #2: "Over/Under Pumpkin Race"
Each division chooses two students to compete in this exciting pumpkin-passing relay!
Costumes may be worn all day on Thursday, October 31st!
- Costumes must be school-appropriate (no masks, gore, violence, or realistic weapons). Masks can be worn only during the costume contest.
- Costumes should allow you to sit and work at your desk comfortably.
- Please leave large or distracting props at home.